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  • Strap on to build explosive leg power and strengthen jumping muscles
  • Move resistance cables on belt to target specific muscles
  • Change resistance cable quickly with patented Slide-Lock on belt and ankle straps
  • Adjustable belt with side padding fits better and helps with proper cable placement
  • Durable cables and ankle straps with built-in shoe harness keeps straps in place

*Call  to verify availability. Prices may differ outside Metro Manila. All published prices are subject to change without prior notice.

With its new, patented Slide-Lock technology, HOPZ lets you quickly change its resistance cables from greater to lesser resistance with a simple click. You can also release the cables the same way for bodyweight training. However you use it, HOPZ is made to take your game higher.

With its superior design, HOPZ allows you to move its resistance cables around and work a wide variety of muscle groups. Move them to the back to focus on glutes, and then position them outside the hips for a quad-burning session. When it comes to adding explosive leg power, HOPZ goes higher.

The HOPZ cables are easily exchanged to increase and decrease resistance. This unique design allows you to train for pure vertical, explosive horizontal jumps or a combination of both. Whatever your sport, HOPZ helps you add the leg power needed to play above your competition.

[#header2] About the Brand [/header2][#content2]

SKLZ is a brand manufacturer that specializes in sport and performance training equipment, helping athletes of all ages and skill level to be ready for their sport. [/content2]

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